Role of Mentor in Holistic Development of Mentee


Effective mentoring relies on positive relationships that are developed in a professional manner. The mentor is, by the nature of their role, in a position of trust, authority and influence as friend, philosopher and guide. Mentoring is a long term commitment between mentor and mentee and ensures physical, mental, vital and spiritual development of both in a holistic manner. A mentor has a significant impact upon mentees’ educational progress, social and emotional wellbeing and positive behavioral transformation for living a spiritual life.There are disproportionate numbers of risk indicators for dropping out performance of youth when they enter a new system or culture where mentor plays a very important role.

Some of the commonly seen indicators disturbing the mental and psychological health of youth are as follows:

  • Substance abuse
  • Critical behaviors
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Poor Academic performance/Grade retention
  • Absenteeism
  • Discipline problems at school or any other setup
  • Low educational expectations from self
  • Lack of plans / goals for education beyond high school
  • Lack of interaction with extracurricular activities
  • Peer pressure
  • Lack of skills for managing stress
  • Inferiority and superiority complex
  • Social isolation
  • Smoking & Drinking habits etc.

It is during this time they may permanently turn off from serious engagement in college and may turn to variety of critical and risky behaviors that can limit their chances of reaching productive adulthood with positive transformation and enrichment both personally and professionally leading to Holistic Development . Mentoring by caring faculty over a prolonged period of time will be effective in combating these risk factors.


Auro believes in quality mentoring relationship and positive outcomes in the areas of Mental, Physical, Vital and Spiritual growth of the students. Many of the questions and pre-conceived notions of the students of Auro will be responded and answered though this program. Auro University Mentorship Program CARE’s is being designed with an intention to guarantee every young student of Auro University that there is someone who cares about them. They are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges and issues. Through this program, Mentors will provide their mentees with an experienced friend, philosopher and guide who is there to help them in any number of situations with high sense of responsibility, commitment and dignity keeping view of all 12 core values of Auro University.

Objectives of Mentorship Program -CARE’s

  1. To Cultivate a conducive environment for innovative Integral and experiential learning
  2. To Allow and encourage independent thought for being self-sufficient lectures decision makers and problem solvers
  • To help them so that they learn to solve the most disturbing problems of youth i.e. academics, career, selection of spouse and of course life as a whole
  1. To promote open communication within the team for maintaining harmony and peace
  2. To foster a reciprocal foundation of trust and respect
  3. To Build stronger leadership and management skills among our students who will further contribute in nation building at all levels and professions
  • To Facilitate adoption of business best practices to accelerate business growth
  • To help acquire new business opportunities and market accesses with an ability to understand the needs of community as a whole


  1. We trust every student’s ability to grow and their desire to grow.
  2. You can only teach what you know but you can produce what you are.
  3. Unconditional acceptance of their being is the reason for my existence as a mentor. Accept them as they are.
  4. Accept that genius can flow from everyone.
  5. Best way to learn is to teach.
  6. Inner transformation cannot happen without in depth understanding and implementations.
  7. Truth is always multi-dimensional.
  8. If you are not convinced about the philosophy content you cannot deliver it.
  9. Road to mind is through heart. Touch the heart of students.
  10. The approach to mentoring shall vary with the personality and abilities of the mentee


  1 Absolute clarity about vision & mission of “CARES”

 2 Genuine respect for all :

All the mentees are potentially great and divine human beings. They are treated with utmost sincere respect.

3 More affirmation, negligible criticism :

Participants are affirmed for all their positive aspects to strengthen their core. Criticism and unsolicited advices are avoided.

4 Praise introspective statements :

Mentees are heartily praised and affirmed for their honest self-assessments, frank confessions, sharing of deep personal experiences etc. An environment is created to look respectably at such introspective participation as this is the main pillar of success for an individual.

5 Listen more to communicate well – Have Patience:

Mentors responsibility is to listen well, to encourage introspective participation, to affirm positively and judiciously share emphatically his / her insights after creating intense environment for learning.

6 Mentor is a model learner :

Mentor does not have to be playing the “superiority” role all the time ! Rather he / she comes across as a humble human being, willing to learn from anybody, everybody all the time. He / she does not pretend having solutions and expert comments about anything. He / she feels free to confess his / her ignorance or inability / inappropriateness to comment or judge something.

7 Truth is always multidimensional :

Mentor encourages an understanding that truth is always multidimensional. Truth is never black and white. He / she searches and acknowledges the element of truth in everything in a highly balanced manner and facilitates creation of understanding that is considerate of all such elements.

8 Firmness at times with softness :

There are moments when the mentor chooses to take a firm stand, but he / she does so as softly as he / she can. He / she may need to confront an individual when the very principles for which the mentorship stands for are at stake. He will take a stand eloquently, will stand alone if necessary.

9 Communication is important, not language/grammar :

The facilitator encourages participation and makes sure that the constraints of language or words does not hinder the communication process.

10 Smile all the times !  :

The mentor is intent and relaxed simultaneously. He / she takes and does everything with a smile -particularly criticism, questions, differences, disagreements and other seemingly unpleasant things.

Dr. Monika Suri ,
I/C Head , School of Business,
Chairperson, Mentorship Cell,
AURO University

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